Monday, June 05, 2006

Just Do It

I have decided that I am flakey. I'm all talk. Those that know me are probably thinking - hooray - at last - she's realised.

My problem is I have all these grand ideas but never follow through on them. Two recent examples - I decide to run next year's London marathon. I made this momentous decision a month ago - I acknowledged the training committment involved - but have spent more time choosing new outfits to wear than actually getting out there running.

Example number two - I decided not to spend money buying unhealthy mayonaise laden sandwiches at work, but to make my own more healthy options. Would have the effect of saving money and losing weight. Fantastic result that would be - go some way towards the 2lb a week weight loss I was promising on this blog a couple of weeks ago. So far I have managed to spend a lot of time and effort choosing a lovely new lunch box to carry healthy lunch to work - but have only managed to make healthy lunch once. And promised for weight loss - if I'm honest I've probably put on a few pounds.

These things may not matter much, but when I think about it, I'm not setting a very good example to my children. If they follow my lead they won't be getting very far. So in future there is going to be more discreet goal setting, with quiet perserverance and committment - and try to avoid grand declarations......


Anonymous said...

I do the same on a regular basis. But it keeps us human.

So after buying TWO lunchboxes!! one that keeps food cold! I'll still probably go buy an expensive sandwich tomorrow for lunch. :-)

Sue said...

LOL. Oh, no discretion please!

Mof2 said...

Damian - pleased to report that I have taken my lunch twice this week - so feeling quite smug. (confess hubby made it for me)

ML: Don't worry I don't have a discreet bone in my body...