Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Do you believe in the power of positive thoughts?

I was thinking about it on the way home from work - with my petrol guage showing past empty. I had driven past one petrol station - dismissing it as it is rather awkward to get out and on the wrong side of the road. I decided to carry on to the next one - on my side of the road. As I was getting closer, whilst putting my petrol saving skills to full stretch, I suddenly wondered if it would be open. Why I thought this I don't know - it is after all a 24 hour super petrol station - which I have never seen closed. Until today! So I turned round and drove back - using even more petrol saving skills - you can go a long way in neutral if you put your mind to it. Trying to be positive - now the first petrol station was on my side of the road!

Ok - I know I couldn't have changed this situation - not even the most positive thoughts can get do that - but why did I even wonder if it was going to be closed? I'm sure I wouldn't normally have given it a second thought.

I do believe in the power of positive thought. If ever I have to do a presentation or anything like that, I try and fill my head with thoughts of success not failure - and usually it works.

I also get the best example on a near daily basis. Hubby and I usually respond to each others "Have a good day" send off, with the reply "I'll try". Tom on the other hand always says "I will" And whilst we are trying, he usually does...


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean, it's very weird when something like that happens...

You'll have to try a bit of positive thinking before next getting on the scales....

Mof2 said...

I did - and I have lost 3 lbs somewhere - not sure where from - or for that matter how - but it is a step in the right direction!